Friday Night Lights – Season One, Episode Twenty One

“Best Laid Plans”

In this episode, Tyra reluctantly confronts what happened to her, Tami refuses to leave Dillon, Jackie ends things with Tim, and Lyla’s life continues to unravel.

This episode was just a lot of heartbreak.


So things were never going to work out with him and Jackie, but the real pain here comes from Bo, he enjoys Tim’s company so much and it’s suddenly gone. They rattle off some excuses about Tim being too busy right now, but it’s just sad to watch this little boy not being able to play with his new friend any more, cause his mummy and his new friend couldn’t keep their hands off of each other.


No only does Lyla have to deal with the aftermath of the revelation that he father has been cheating on her mother for years, she then straight away catches Jason kissing Suzy. It’s horrible, her family, and Jason, these were things in her life that were solid, she knew where she stood with them, she could rely on them, and now she’s loosing both of them at the same time. It does seem, as well, that she has no one to turn to for this. Another reason why Tami just can’t leave Dillon. Lyla needs to go talk to her before she smashes up another building.


Of all the heartbreaking plots in this episode however, it’s Tyra’s that I feel is by far the most upsetting. She just doesn’t know what to do with herself. She begins by just trying forget the whole thing happened, and she shuts Landry out when he tries to check on her. I go back and forth on my opinion of Landry in this episode, I think he was wrong to tell Matt, however telling Tami turned out to be the wise decision (obviously, the moto of these characters should be “when in doubt, go to Tami Taylor”) and Tami convinces Tyra to report the assault. However in the end Tyra apologies to Landry and he behaves appealingly. Berating her for trying to be friends with Tim, trying to shame her for any relationship that might come out of that. Damn Landry, you did some really good things these last two episodes, then you went and behaved like that.

The Taylors

So Eric has accepted the offer at TMU, but Tami, like Julie, doesn’t want to move. And you know I can see where he’s coming from when she suggests that he splits his time. He wants his family with him, he wants to be able to come home to them at the end of each day. However, his refusal to even consider Tami’s side of it really annoyed me, I mean it wasn’t like Tami was making an unreasonable request, nor was it a permanent thing, just until Julie finishes high school. In the end she just flat out refuses to move, and I’m so worried about them!

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