Friday Night Lights – Season One, Episode Twenty

“Mud Bowl”

I can’t believe this is an actual show that I actually get to watch. In this episode Eric and his team are brilliantly resourceful, Smash struggles to deal with Waverly’s revelation that she’s bipolar, and just Tyra, guys, Tyra!

Eric and the Panthers (that sort of sounds like it should be a band)


So after a train derailment leaves the Panther’s stadium unusable, Eric and Buddy begin to shop around for somewhere to have the game. I can’t even deal with Eric’s smile when he see’s the ‘for let’ sign on that field, you just know exactly what idea he’s just had and it’s an absolutely wonderful one. Best part is, not only does it work, but they win the game! And it was a beautiful thing to watch! I mean it was filled with cows at the start of the episode! 


Let me just say first of all that I am 100% on board with this new Waverly/Lyla friendship. Give me more of it, all the time. Anyway, after Smash sees that the two of them have started spending time together he warns Lyla that Waverly is bipolar. I get that he doesn’t know what else to, I get that he’s worried, and that he just wants her to be safe, but no. Just no! He had absolutely no right to tell anyone. That’s Waverly’s prerogative, it’s her illness and it should be her decision as to who she wants to tell. Her anger is completely justified here. However, it does seem possibly lead to Smash and Waverly being in a better place, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


My darling precious Tyra.

So first of all, she’s so determined to do well that it’s so wonderful to watch because I only want good things for her, a Landry even convinces her to let him tutor her, I also loved that to do that he was all, yeah I taught Tim Riggins to read. That amused me.

The guy in the diner when she was waiting for him though, I didn’t get any fishy vibe off him at all so the scene in the parking lot completely blindsided me. And the way the attempted rape was cut with scenes from the game really emphasised the terror. There was literally no one around because they were all at the game and she was completely alone. Then when Landry arrives, and he’s just holding her, I don’t know how much more of this show my heart can take, and I’ve not even finished the first season!

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